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Spinnaker Tower Abseil - come and support our courageous team!

Date published 09/04/2014

The National Museum of the Royal Navy’s public fundraising appeal for 2014 is in full swing, with an adrenaline fuelled abseil down the Portsmouth landmark, Spinnaker Tower!

Vice Admiral Sir Anthony Dymock KBE CB, the appeal Chairman, has courageously volunteered to abseil the 170 meters down the tower. Vice Admiral David Steel CBE, Second Sea Lord, has also taken on the vertiginous challenge, as has Penny Mordaunt, MP for Portsmouth North.

The fearless abseilers will be arriving in style on board Steam Pinnace 199. Built in 1911, she served during the First World War and is the sole operational survivor of 634 vessels of her class, representing a vital part of British heritage.

It promises to be a spectacular event, and you’re invited to come down at 2pm on Friday 18th April 2014 and see our daredevils step out and abseil the tower.