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Dive Into the Depths of Underwater Archaeology

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Get hands-on with real wreck artifacts, interactive models, dive gear, sonar imaging, and digital dive tours. 

Join us for an exciting journey of discovery, where you'll get hands-on with the fascinating world of underwater archaeology!

  • Explore Real Wrecks: See a 3D-printed model of the historic Holland 5 submarine. The Holland 5 is the wrecked sister to Holland I, on display in Gosport. Handle genuine artifacts from a shipwreck in the Solent.
  • Investigate an Underwater Site: Use our tabletop interactive model to uncover the secrets of a sunken wreck, just like real maritime archaeologists.
  • Experience the Dive: Watch and listen to real video and audio footage of underwater excavations in action.
    Get to Grips with Dive Gear – Handle diving equipment like fins, a dive suit, a BCD, and a mask—essential tools for exploring the deep.
  • Go Digital: Use a touchscreen to take a virtual dive into historic wreck sites and explore research projects with the Nautical Archaeology Society.
  • Decode the Deep: Examine sonar images used to map wrecks and try to interpret what lies beneath. Can you spot hidden remains or explain unusual shadows?

This drop in session is free with a valid museum ticket.

Buy TicketThis event is part of our National STEM and is co-sponsored by: